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What Are Living Benefits?

TJ Hines

Updated: Jan 16, 2021

Living benefits, simply put, are benefits an insurance policy owner can use while they are still living. When shopping for he right life insurance policy, there is no way to really protect your family from the pain associated with the loss of a loved one. You can however protect your loved one's from financial hardship that comes with that loss, this is the main purpose of most insurances.

Today some insurance polices provide "living benefits" to help the "insured", who is in most cases the policy owner, cope with financial hardship that comes with sickness, disease or major medical bills, not associated with accidents. These plans pay the insured a portion of the death benefit upfront in the event they have a Chronic, Critical or Terminal illness. With today's rising cost for health care, having a life policy that can help pay for cancer treatment, make your mortgage payment or put food on the table while you focus on well, could mean the difference between life and death. Does your policy have living benefits?

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